Rental - by owner
5-bedrooms-House in Hütschenhausen-Katzenbach , 234 square meters, 5 Min. to RAB
1.650 Euro plus ... by Birgit Katzenberger in Hütschenhausen, Mar 11
5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 kitchen unit, 2 dining room, 1 living room with fireplace, 1 laundry and storage room, great storage (attic), patio, large covered balcony, 2 car garage, 2 carports and smaller scales leads to the garage,High speed Internet, telephone, cable TV or satellite available. leafy courtyard. Bus stop for American school bus 1 minute, kindergarten, which also accepts American children in the neighboring village 1 mile away. Playground next door. Small rural location with ample green space for walking. On the way from RAB to our house you go to our shopping market and our gas station with wash over. 5 min to RAB, 7min. to Landstuhl Hospital. Pets are allowed. Tel. 0178-6863695 (from 1 o`clock p. m. to 9 o`clock p. m.Living Area tile and laminate flooring, bedroom parquet and PVC. No brokerage fees.
Posted in: Rental - by owner.
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